Chronic Painda



As someone who lives with chronic, constant pain- it can sometimes be frustrating to have people misunderstand exactly what that means in terms of my mood and how I present my mood to the world.
Well-meaning family and friends who don’t understand chronic pain often see instances where I don’t use my crutches as a sign that I’m “better” or in less pain. But that’s not usually the case. And pain scales are designed for people who don’t exist in constant pain to start with.
I wanted something that quickly and concisely illustrated what a real chronic pain pain scale would LOOK like. And that just because I’m smiling or laughing, doesn’t mean my pain has lessened or stopped or dissipated. And thus was born: the Chronic Painda. A pain scale for the rest of us- with a handy visual guide for the world that interacts with us.
When you live with chronic pain- sometimes it can be hard to make those around you understand: just because you’re smiling, doesn’t mean you’ve stopped hurting.

Choose from a horizontal presentation or a vertical grouping in either blue or green, or in a color of your choosing.